We tolerate many things today, but we don’t tolerate the truth. Truth is simple. It requires no explanation, analysis, rationale, or excuse; it’s just a simple statement that leaves no doubt. You can look at it from every angle, hold it up to the light, flip it over, examine it under a microscope, smash it
Author Archives: Mark
Sugar-Based Energy is Inconsistent Training or eating to burn sugar can get you through the moment, but what about later? Chances are you’ll seriously strain your body’s ability to maintain its blood sugar levels. Once the blood-sugar level becomes unstable, you are susceptible to frequent energy highs and lows. You impair your mental alertness and
2020 has come to an end and what a year it’s been. For many, it’s been particularly challenging in countless ways – financially, physically, mentally, etc. However, and I say this respectfully, 2020 will feel like “Mary Poppins” compared to what is coming down the pipeline if we don’t question, confront, and stop the “agenda.”
Embrace Responsibility To curb the stress, worry, and fear and reduce our risk factor for future illness and disease, we must recognize the fact that the responsibility lies in our own hands. If we raise our standards and claim ownership for our actions and choices, we can significantly protect ourselves. Here are just a few
Whenever I conclude a keynote speech or workshop, I always remind my audience, “If you lose your health, you lose everything. You see, it doesn’t matter what your title says on your business card. How much authority you have over other people. What your position is within the company. And it certainly doesn’t matter how
I’ve always believed that to really understand an issue, you need to get as close to it as you possibly can. For more than twenty years, I’ve been working directly with thousands of business professionals the world over, many who are high-powered senior executives living life in the fast lane. During that time, I’ve come
Many people often take a militaristic, “gritty” approach to resilience. We imagine a Marine toiling through the mud, Rocky Balboa going one more round, or a rugby player picking himself up off the turf with a broken nose for one more scrum. We believe that the longer we can endure hardship and pain, the more
Are you busy being busy? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled? Are you tired of this “faster is better” myth, which so many admire and emulate? Are you tired of living your life on somebody else’s terms? Are you killing yourself for a job that would replace
Lives crumble with the erosion of values – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Being well prepared – physically, mentally, and emotionally, and spiritually – doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in our life. With the smallest investment, in the right places, we can radically transform our productivity at work, quality of life at home, and optimize time
When our mind is focused, our energies are not dissipated on irrelevant activities or thoughts. This is why developing concentration is essential to anyone who aspires to take charge of his or her life. This skill is essential for every kind of success. Without it, our efforts get scattered, but with it, we can accomplish