Healthy Life Transition – Preparing People for Life After Work

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Healthy Life Transition – Preparing People for Life After Work

For most of us, financial independence is a major concern when we reach retirement age so normally, we start the preparations early (company and private pension schemes coupled with other investments). Obviously, this process makes commonsense, however how many of us apply the same principle to our health and wellbeing? Having a nice little nest egg when you retire is great but if your health doesn’t permit you to enjoy it then it’s worthless!

We will explore

This program has been designed for companies to support people in their transition from their working life into retirement. A healthy life transition requires meticulous preparation. Yet all too often, preparing for this important change is left to the last minute, especially the sensible management of one’s health and wellbeing. That’s why this program brings the focus forward to enable people to experience a healthier and more meaningful transition into the next stage or phase of their life.

Key topics include:

  • Motives matter. You reap what you sow, and everybody wins - you, your family, and your friends
  • How to generate the energy and vitality you need to live a full life - the relationships and activities that are meaningful, enjoyable, and worth engaging in
  • When you master you physical health - move, eat, and sleep - you will have the foundation to become more mentally and emotionally resilient while living life to your greatest potential

Choose your format


Custom program
Face-to-Face, Online


60-90 mins

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